Mental Health Links

The following links are listed to provide you with additional online mental health care information. Please also check the additional links provided for physical health for a more comprehensive understanding of your over-all well-being. The following is not meant to be a comprehensive list, nor is it an endorsement of the content of the sites.

Associations & General Mental Health

  1. American Counseling Association
  2. American Psychological Association
  3. National Institute of Mental Health
  4. National Mental Health Association
  5. National Women’s Health Resource Center
  6. NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Illness)
  7. Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration
  8. World Federation for Mental Health
  9. Healthy Place – Americas Mental Health Channel

Suicide Awareness and Hotlines

  1. American Foundation for Suicide Prevention
  2. Suicide Awareness Voices of Education
  3. Suicide: Read This First
  4. Beyond Meds
  5. Coping with Depression
  6. A Splintered Mind
  7. Depression Marathon
  8. Depression on my mind
  9. National Suicide Prevention Hotline

Depression and Mood Disorders

  1. Depression and How Therapy Can Help
  2. Depression Test, Symptoms of Depression, Signs of Depression
  3. Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance (DBSA)
  4. Freedom From Fear


  1. Freedom From Fear
  2. Anxiety: How to Clear Your Head When Worry Sets In
  3. Positively Positive
  4. Anxiety Guru
  5. Anxiety Slayer
  6. Social Anxiety Disorder
  7. Overcoming Social Anxiety
  8. The Anxiety Network
  9. Answers to Your Questions About Panic Disorder

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD)

  1. Beyond OCD
  2. International OCD Foundation
  3. Obsessive Compulsive Information Center

Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

  1. Give an Hour for Veterans and Their Families
  2. National Center for PTSD
  3. Real Warriors (U.S. Department of Defense) for veterans and their families
  4. The Gift From Within
  5. Sidran Institute

Prenatal/Postpartum Mental Health

  1. Postpartum Support International
  2. Postpartum Progress
  3. My Postpartum Voice
  4. Seleni Institute
  5. Postpartum Stress Center
  6. Postpartum Health Alliance
  7. PSICTChapter
  8. 1800ppdmoms
  9. Depression After Delivery
  10. The Online PPMD Support Group
  11. Motherwoman

Grief and Loss

  1. Open To Hope
  2. The Sweeney Alliance
  3. The Dougy Center
  4. National Alliance for Grieving Children
  5. Love, Hope & Courage
  6. Pregnancy and Infant Loss Network
  7. Unspoken Grief (Perinatal/Neonatal Loss)

Relationships & Intimacy

  1. The Relationship Institute
  2. Smart Marriages: The Coalition for Marriage, Family and Couples Education
  3. Couple Connection
  4. More Than Two
  5. Loving More


  1. GLBT National Help Center for Youth
  2. Teen Mental Health
  3. OK2Talk
  4. iFred
  5. ReachOut
  6. To Write Love on Her Arms
  7. NIDA for teens
  8. Truth